Friday, December 25, 2009

The American Dream

When Pan Handling in America becomes a job it’s become the American Dream. It’s hard to avoid people when everyone in America is asking for a quarter. The American dream looks like a nightmare when everyday there are millions of people begging for money. It’s so common that the daily operations have become a job. In some streets you might have a couple of guys working together with regular work schedules. Each member has a certain shift in order to ask for money. On the nitty gritty streets of America a country so wealthy still can't even deal with their own impoverished people. While millions of jobs are moving abroad homelessness and poverty is a common seen. With billions of dollars spent on the military there is no wonder why America has yet to solve its problem on poverty.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Panama Canal and US Objectives?

A long history of US intervention in the region should place every member of ALBA to take key note of US interest in the Panama Canal. A nation who continues to do business with Colombia, Mexico, and Afghanistan should really be understood as a key trafficking point. The fact that the former President was so interested in protecting the Panama Canal should raise eye brows. Why would the U.S. be so interested in covering the Panama Canal with so many nations? Could it be that from Colombia towards Panama and then Mexico the traffic of goods reaches the United States? The members of ALBA should demand that the Panama Canal be closed. In order to reduce the trafficking of illicit drugs region. We are coming to grips that the biggest dealer of guns, interventionism, and money is the United States. The former President of the United States Mr. George Bush was highly motivated to sign the PSI act. This allowed SOUTHCOM to project US power and influence in the region specifically targeting the Panal Canal.

Bush Family connected to Bin Laden Family, drugs, opium

Below is the link:

Sunday, December 20, 2009


SOUTHCOM commander is going to Paraguay. Visiting military facilities and training center for so called "Peacekeeping Operations". The centers are recieving aid from the US along with training. The purpose is to increase countries ability for "stabilization operations". SOUTHCOM general met with U.S. Ambassador to Paraguay Liliana Ayalda in order to create interagency coordination and defense cooperation activities. The "SOUTHCOM’s Humanitarian Assistance Program" should also be an alarm for members of the ALBA alliance. Not only is the U.S. congress involved in providing "humanitarian" aid but SOUTHCOM is dealing with government directly.

Friday, December 18, 2009

The World at War

The way in understanding the United States imperial objectives is to understand their objectives in Iran. Condoleezza Rice in 2006 proclaimed that there were a couple of ways in dealing with Iran. Below is a list of ways in which the United States will attempt to penetrate Iran. The United States lust for world domination has only awakened the masses in the world stronger than ever. These key ingredients are what some Latin America nations need to look out for. In Fidel Castro reflections he acknowledges that the empire is on the offensive. If it continues on its path to destruction another possible world war can be concluded.

There was, for many years, a split in the administration of George W. Bush in regards to US policy towards Iran. On the one hand, there was the hardliner neoconservative element, led by Dick Cheney, with Rumsfeld in the Pentagon; who were long pushing for a military confrontation with Iran. On the other hand, there was Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State, who was pushing for a more diplomatic, or “soft” approach to Iran.

In February of 2006, Condoleezza Rice introduced a new Iran strategy to the Senate, “emphasizing the tools of so-called soft diplomacy. She called for ramping up funding to assist pro-democracy groups, public diplomacy initiatives, and cultural and education fellowships, in addition to expanding U.S.-funded radio, television, and Internet and satellite-based broadcasting, which are increasingly popular among younger Iranians.” She added that, “we are going to work to support the aspirations of the Iranian people for freedom in their country.” There were three main facets to the program: “Expanding independent radio and television”; “Funding pro-democracy groups,” which “would lift bans on U.S. financing of Iran-based nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), trade unions, human rights groups, and opposition candidates”; and “Boosting cultural and education fellowships and exchanges,” which “would help pay Iranian students and scholars to enroll in U.S. universities.”[52]

Barack Obama has not changed course and in fact he has increased Bush policies. The Empire is reckoning havoc all across the globe. Let us see into a distant future and prevent a catastrophic apocalypse.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Breaking News: CNN Wolf Blitzer former lobbyist for AIPAC?!

Wolf Blitzer was born on March 22, 1948 in Buffalo, New York. He is the son of Jewish refugees from Poland. He grew up in Buffalo, New York. Blitzer graduated from Kenmore West Senior High School and received a B.A. degree in history from the University at Buffalo in 1970. In 1972, he received an M.A. degree in international relations from the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. Blitzer began his career in journalism in the early 1970s in Tel Aviv, Israel. In 1973, Blitzer began to work for the Israeli daily, Jerusalem Post. While still employed by the Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post, Blitzer began to work for the Zionist regime's Political Action Committe (AIPAC) in the mid 1970s, the most powerful pro-Israel lobby group in Washington, D.C. Blitzer continued to work with the Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post until 1990. He has been a CNN reporter since 1990. Blitzer is currently the host of the newscast The Situation Room and the Sunday talk show Late Edition. Blitzer previously hosted Wolf Blitzer Reports, which was replaced by The Situation Room. Blitzer's career is a representative example of the well-engineered process through which the U.S. national government and its mass media have been hijacked and held hostage by AIPAC & supporters of the apartheid Zionist regime of ethnic cleansing.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Barack Obama "Nobel Peace Prize"

What is scary about his speech is the fact that he believes that in order to gain peace you need war. But what is even more scarier is the fact that with three wars going on in the middle east. He has stated that he is just starting. When he mentioned that in his speech he blew me away literally. It was as if he planned to execute the biggest military operation the world has ever seen. Barack Obama acknowledged that he needed war to bring peace. But what really stood out from his speech was when he mentioned that he was just starting. Wow. If this is just starting I would hate for people to find out what he would mean when we are half way there. His words should be taken literally and this is no fucking joke. The joker is full of smiles but that's not all he has.

The Joker: See, I'm a man of simple tastes. I like dynamite, and gunpowder...

Monday, December 7, 2009


Type: Meetings - Convention
Network: Global
Date: Saturday, December 12, 2009
Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm

We are making a call to all Puerto Rican and other community leaders for the support in the release of the Puerto Rican political prisoners, Carlos Alberto Torres and Oscar Lopez. Both are serving close to 30 years in prison under the charges of seditious conspiracy for their involvement in the Puerto Rican Independence movement. Due out in 2023 and 2024, their sentences are clearly disproportionate and have already served longer sentences than people convicted of murder, rape, robbery and other crimes. In 1999, President Clinton granted conditional pardon to 11 of their other compatriots after serving 16 and 20 years in prison as a result of a successful international campaign which included support from President Jimmy Carter, the late Coretta Scott King and Bishop Desmond Tutu. WE NEED TO BRING OUR COMPAÑEROS HOME!!!

The National Boricua Human Rights Network will be hosting an organizers' conference on December 12th in order to advance the national campaign for the release of the Puerto Rican Political Prisoners. We will have workshops discussing ways to further organize, re-energize and campaign for the release of the prisoners. At this event community leaders will have the opportunity to publicly announce their support by endorsing our petition to President Barack H. Obama. We hope you could be one of them.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

A message to the Guardian

Guardian I think that image you have about people protesting in Venezuela doesn't need to be on your cover spot. You should change it to the massive protest they are having in Honduras against the coup regime. That is being really bais in terms of having a balance in news reporting. Also Britain has a history of wanting Oil. Look at Iran and the Shah and Britain is just trying to cover its end. If any criminal convictions proceed Britain doesn't want to be caught in the cross hairs of the international community. So now they blame there counter part the United States Empire. They could care less about the environment. Do you really believe that with all the drum beating that these guys cared about the environment? The United States still uses cluster bombs just look at the after affects in Vietnam. But lets get to gangsta shit when the mobilized there troops to protect the oil fields. Who is the benificaries of those Oil fields? Certaintly not the Iraqi people when foreign government agents are bidding on its resources. Just to keep intacked the free market global world. They allow companies from other countries to enrich themselves from the left overs like pigs. The environmental destruction has had a devastating affect on the region. Cholera and other horrible medical conditions exist in Iraq. Britain past history also shows its plans in controlling that part of the region. In the begining there was one murderer her name was Lady Liberty. In the end there was a consiparcy of murderers from the Queen/Kings of Britain to the "Communist" in China. And all through the fire and smoke a child left behind weeped and no one else saw. But I seen them and through the cloud of smoke I brought them light and hope.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Breaking News:United States Navy Eyes Iran Naval Force

The United States naval force is keeping a sharp eye out on Iran Naval capacity and ability. The United States is currently studying Iran Naval capacity even more aggressively. They acknowledge that Iran is planning to expand its naval reach. They also acknowledge that Iran Naval forces is the bulk of there defenses. The recent United resolution will leave an open door for those who want to use military means as an option. The recent study of Iran Naval capablities is another sign that the United States military will target Iran Naval forces. The small qoute below describes United States naval understanding of Iran capabilities.

Subtnarines be equipped with torpedoes, naval mines, and
Submarines will probably remain a key feature missiles. According to Iran, the QA'EM will
of Iran's naval order of battle. Iran is the only be capable of carrying out both defensive and
country in the Persian Gulf region with sub- offensive operations.
marines, and Iranian naval leaders have stated
publicly that they believe submarines are a bet- Additionally, the IRIN Commander, Rear
ter value than other weapons systems. The late Admiral Sayyari, announced the production
Rear Admiral A.shkbus Daneh-Kar wrote that of a submarine of more than 1,000 tons. This
Iran "calculated the deterrent value of subma- may be yet another submarine for the IRIN in
rines--submarines could, on a purely self- addition to the QA'EM.
sufficient basis, detect surprise attacks launched
from far distances and abort them."12 Surface Ships
In keeping with this focus on submarines, in
August 2008 Iran reported that the Ministry
of Defense's Marine Industries Organization
inaugurated the production line of the
QA'EM-class submarine, reportedly a 450-ton
submarine. Iran has stated that this new generation
submarine will be built in Iran and will
Model of a QA'EM-class coastal ,ubruari,,"I
Iran has constructed what it calls the MO\\jclass
destroyer-in fact a corvette-that, once
accepted into service, will probably be employed
in the IRlN's operating area in the Gulf
of Oman. More construction of larger ships
has occurred in the Caspian. Iran announced
that it began a production line of the MO\\j-2
at Bandar Anzali. Also in the Caspian, Iran
has built four copies of its COMBATTANTE
II-class guided missile patrol boat. These construction
programs demonstrate Iran's ability
to produce mid- to large-size ships. Coupled
with Iran's continuing interest in self-sufficiency,
these ship-building programs will likely be followed
by others.
The IRIN is also retrofitting older surface
combatants with upgraded weapons systems.
12Dane/z-Km; .AJ"/zlbl/J; Re(ff .Admiral, "Operational Doctn"ne qftlzeJlao/ qft/ze hlamic Republic qf lrrm, "Sqff, iJ"we}/o. 238, Pi'- 10-12
For example, in 2008 Iran announced that it
had installed missiles on one of its patrol craft,
turning it into a guided missile patrol craft.
Iran also substantially upgraded the PF-103-
class patrol ship NAGHDI with missiles. This
type of retrofitting will allow the IRIN to
extend the usefulness of its aging fleet.
In contrast to the IRIN, the IRGCN has concentrated
on acquiring and developing small,
fast boats, some lightly armed and others
armed with missiles and torpedoes, and will
probably continue this trend.
Naval modernization is one of Iran's highest
military priorities and the country continues to
focus on weapons acquisition and development
programs. Programs of interest include expanding
inventories of existing weapons systems and
increasingly sophisticated systems. Weapons,
such as the Hoot supercavitation high-speed
missile torpedo, may be proliferated throughout
the Iranian naval inventory, as will longer
range anti-ship cruise missiles, such as the
Ra'ad. Finally, given the importance of mining
to Iranian naval strategy, some effort will
continue in this area as well.
Changes in Strategy
Iran's naval forces are unlikely to make wholesale
changes to their naval strategy. However,
it is clear that Iran will modify its strategy
when appropriate. Rear Admiral Daneh-Kar
noted that Iranian planners would review and
revise their operational doctrine based on lessons
learned from past and current operations,
as well as on the capabilities of new weapons
systems entering the service. He continued,
"We cannot develop the Navy's operational
doctrine in isolation."13
Recent activity bears witness to some of this
adaptation. IRIN commander Rear Admiral
Sayyari has stated that the IRIN will push
operations further out into the Gulf of Oman
and even the Indian Ocean to protect Iran's
maritime interests, and, as mentioned earlier,
Iran claims its naval forces are conducting extended
patrols. A decade hence may see more
frequent IRIN patrols in the north Arabian
Sea or Indian Ocean. To support this, the
IRIN has a plan to establish new naval bases
along the Gulf of Oman by 2015 and strengthen
its presence outside the Strait ofHormuz.
The IRGCN will likely continue to patrol and
operate inside the Persian Gulf, a place where
Rear Adru.iralHabibollah Sayyari, COIllIllander of the
IRIN, in front of a poster depicting IRIN naval platfoTIlls
HDanelz-Km; .AJ"/zlbuJ" Nar .Admiral, "OpnationaiDoctnne iftlze )lacy if the hlamic Republic if fTan, "Sqff, iJ"J"/uJIo. 235, Pi'- 32-35.
its asymmetric tactics and numerous platforms
are at an advantage. However, its modernization
efforts may provide it with more sophisticated
«The countries if this region have a sensitive strategic
and geopolitical situation and the Islamu Republic if
Iran can play a considerable role among these countries.
General Mohammad-Baqer ,<:plqadr
Former Deputy Commander
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
Iran sees itself as a regional power, and its
naval forces, the IRIN and the IRGCN, plan
to support this view as they work to expand
both their weapons inventories and their
capabilities. According to Iranian officials,
"extra-regional" forces are neither welcmne
nor necessary in the waterways ofthe Middle
East, and the Iranian armed forces have
"proven during these 30 years of the revolution
that they are ready to defend the territory
of their country."14

Follow link below:


Thursday, November 26, 2009

They Fear Us Because We Don't Fear Them!!!!!!

They see us laugh, fight, love!!!!!!

But we don't fear the military coup leaders and arms..!!!!!!!!!!!

Nuestra America

Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Real News Network:Latin America Multipolar Worlds and stirs Anger on Imperial and Colonial Powers

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to Brazil has sparked debates and observations all over the world as Luis Inacio Lula de Silva shows the real possibilities of a new, multipolar world. Brazil is becoming a real example of diplomacy, and of course the major powers are angry. Lula defends Iran's nuclear rights and is calling on Western powers to dump the idea of cornering Iran with threats. The question is if the world powers are willing to listen to Lula's advice.

Bangin on the Empire

The Honduras situation hasn't changed and in fact the United States Empire has strengthened the Latin American countries stance against imperialism. Every country in the continent of Latin America and the Caribbean are noticing the United States attacks on democracy. The United States diplomatic chess move on Honduras has failed and its imperial attempt in Afghanistan has failed. This so called "democracy" chess move is a disguise of the empire.

Honduras: isolated, de factos prepare for vote
Submitted by WW4 Report on Tue, 11/24/2009 - 22:59. Guatemalan foreign minister Haroldo Rodas announced Nov. 21 that Guatemala was not going to recognize the general elections to be held in Honduras Nov. 29 under the de facto regime installed after the June 28 removal of President Manuel Zelaya. He added that Guatemala would not send observers to the elections. Spain is also planning not to send observers because it "cannot support" elections under these conditions, foreign ministry sources told the Spanish wire service EFE Nov. 21.

Many Latin American governments have rejected the plan to proceed with the elections, although it is supported by the US. The presidents of two of the nations with the largest economies—Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner—confirmed on Nov. 18 that their governments would not recognize the elections if they are held under the coup regime. Ecuador has the same position, according to Foreign Minister Fander Falconí. Organization of American States (OAS) general secretary José Miguel Insulza has said that that organization can't send observers because the representatives of Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela indicated at a special meeting at the beginning of November that their governments wouldn't recognize the elections.

Despite the boycott, a delegation of 250 election observers has been put together. It will include two former center-right Latin American presidents: Vicente Fox Quesada of Mexico (2000-2006) and Alejandro Toledo of Peru (2001-2006). The main Guatemalan business group, the Committee of Commercial, Industrial and Financial Associations (CACIF), has agreed to participate. (Vos el Soberano, Honduras, Nov. 21 from EFE;, Spain, Nov. 21 from EFE; Radio YVKE Mundial, Venezuela, Nov. 22; Reuters, Nov. 18)

On Nov. 20 Esdras Amado López, director of the Cholusat Sur Canal 36 television station, said his channel was "off the air because its signal has been interrupted with a signal from a parallel transmitter" playing "pornographic films and some westerns." "[T]errorists paid by the government of [de facto president Roberto] Micheletti" are responsible, according to López. He wrote National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) head Miguel Angel Rodas asking for his "immediate attention to an extremely delicate matter taking place in the moment during which Honduras is getting ready to be present at an electoral process in which freedom of the press is an important bastion for legitimizing the process."

Canal 36 and Radio Globo are the two largest broadcast media that have opposed the coup. The de facto government shut down both of them temporarily in the first days of the coup. (EFE, Nov. 20; Vos el Soberano, Nov. 20; Honduras Coup 2009 blog, Nov. 20)

On the weekend of Nov. 21 the Committee of Relatives of Disappeared Detainees in Honduras (COFADEH), one of the country's leading human rights organizations, warned of a deterioration in the human rights situation as the elections approached. COFADEH reported that there was an unusual deployment of soldiers, police agents and paramilitary groups in the country and that the military had acquired new equipment, including an armored car, a powerful water cannon and a chemical that would enable the authorities to identify anyone hit by the water for 48 hours. The group called for the international community to stay on alert about the situation. (Vos el Soberano, Nov. 22 from; Prensa Latina, Nov. 22)

The recent developments show Mexico former president Vicente Fox supporting the Honduras coup. This should be condemned immediately and the people of Mexico should hold massive solidarity protest with the people of Honduras. In 2006 a leftist running president election was stolen by the corrupt Mexican government. The leftist candidate has publicly suggested that his country is being controlled by a mafia. The Mexican people should hold massive protest based on election fraud in their own home country and in solidarity with Honduras. They both have something deeply in common when it comes down to democracy.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Denouncing Luis Fortuno Attack against Chavez

It recent day's the government of Luis Fortuno has decided to break ties with Venezuela. All news media sources mostly controlled by the United States or waging a propaganda war against the popular Chavez. Below there links to different article's and youtube videos of the propaganda. I denounce the media campaign against my brother Chavez and will personally see that we intesify our operations against the propaganda. Paz.

Gobierno lanza campaña sucia contra la disidencia ...y contra Chávez
por Guillermo Morejón Flores Thursday, Nov. 19, 2009 at 1:52 AM

La inagotable ridiculez e ineptitud propia del provincialismo político que caracteriza a nuestro gobierno colonial ha movido a sus voceros a poner las miras de su esperpéntica campaña difamatoria, sobre un blanco inesperado: el Presidente de la República Bolivarianda de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez.

Gobierno lanza campa...

Tras poco menos de un año de haber sido electo con una mayoría avasalladora, el gobernador colonial de turno en Puerto Rico, abogado corporativo y republicano Luis G. Fortuño Burset y su gobierno han desatado una campaña sucia en contra los sectores que luchan ante el tsunami (que no oleada) de políticas neoliberales que le han ido cayendo arriba al pueblo puertorriqueño y que en enero de 2010 habrá logrado dejar en la calle a más de 25,000 empleados públicos. Su mayor logro, cosa que no es fácil: aglutinar a la gran mayoría del país en contra del gobierno ―el nivel de aprobación de Fortuño actualmente es de menos del 30%―, en pie de lucha y de camino a la huelga general. Y José Figueroa Sancha, Superintendente de la Policía de Puerto Rico, ex Director del FBI en San Juan y escogido por Fortuño, ha demostrado ya en más de una ocasión su disposición a ejercer la represión contra las manifestaciones del pueblo. En éste marco de total desprestigio, los medios de comunicación de mayor alcance se han hecho eco de la campaña sucia del gobierno, criminalizando y demonizando sistemáticamente al estudiantado y la juventud en general, al independentismo, los movimientos sociales y a los trabajadores, a quienes el gobierno amenazó el pasado 15 de octubre, día en que hubo un paro nacional, con acusar de terrorismo tal como se contempla en la llamada “Acta Patriota”, o Patriot Act, infame ley antiterrorista aprobada por el gobierno de Bush al calor de los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2001.

Como si no bastara con las declaraciones del Secretario de Estado, Kenneth McClintock, en las que afirmó que el paro nacional del 15 de octubre no eral realmente un «paro nacional», propiamente dicho, más bien se trataba de un paro “estatal, territorial, insular” puesto que “aquí no va a haber nadie en Cincinnati ni en Seattle parando labores”; la inagotable ridiculez e ineptitud propia del provincialismo político que caracteriza a nuestro gobierno colonial ha movido a sus voceros a poner las miras de su esperpéntica campaña difamatoria, sobre un blanco inesperado: el Presidente de la República Bolivarianda de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez.

Los medios masivos han redoblado las “noticias” contra el líder venezolano con las consabidas acusaciones de “guerrerista”, de dictadorzuelo autócrata, de Venezuela como un narco-Estado corrupto. Entre esos medios, los dos periódicos de mayor tirada del país: “El nuevo día” y “Primera hora”, ambos pertenecientes a la familia Ferrer, tradicionalmente ligada al Partido Nuevo Progresista ―que actualmente ostenta el poder― desde sus inicios. En la pantalla chica, Univisión (canal 11) y la NBC (canal 2) hacen acto de presencia en ésta carnavalesca comparsa anti-chavista. Y el programa noticioso del canal del Estado (canal 6) haría lo propio, de no haber sido eliminado recientemente por el gobernador Fortuño y sus recortes presupuestarios.

¿Pero cómo se logra entremezclar e implicar a Hugo Chávez en el ascendente desprestigio del gobierno colonial? Goebbels se sonrojaría. El 18 de noviembre, con acusaciones que evocan a la época del Libertador, Simón Bolívar, cuando el gobierno colonial ―entonces español― acusaba al independentismo puertorriqueño de ser un germen importado de Venezuela; el senador anexionista y de origen cubano Roberto Arango declaró ante la prensa tener pruebas de que el gobierno venezolano está financiando a grupos disidentes dentro del país. Declaró, además, que tiene intenciones de redactar una resolución en el Senado de Puerto Rico solicitándole al Presidente de los EE.UU., Barack Obama y a la Secretaria de Estado, Hillary Clinton el considerar la posibilidad de cerrar el consulado venezolano en la Isla con motivo de la supuesta financiación a grupos disidentes. “Crear inestabilidad política y crear anarquía en Puerto Rico a través de subvencionar estos grupos en nada es parte de la responsabilidad de los consulados. Los consulados están para traer negocios”, aseguró.

Los comentarios escandalosos del senador Arango vienen a reforzar otra noticia de la campaña sucia que surgió el día anterior. El 17 de noviembre varios periódicos y canales de televisión difundieron la noticia de que que el gobernador lanzó una advertencia a Hugo Chávez ya que éste alegadamente afirmó, en declaraciones que no han podido ser confirmadas aún por ningún medio, que “cuenta con aliados para que Puerto Rico deje de ser una colonia”. Ante las supuestas declaraciones, Fortuño respondió tajantemente con expresiones como: “Nosotros decidimos nuestro estatus, nosotros escogemos quiénes son nuestros gobernantes. No le corresponde a nadie fuera de Puerto Rico escoger por nosotros. Y no lo vamos a permitir”. Palabras bastante grandes si tomamos en cuenta que Puerto Rico es todavía una colonia yanqui y que, encima, el susodicho pertenece al anexionista y asimilista Partido Nuevo Progresista.

No es secreto ni es noticia el apoyo decidido y reiterado a nuestra Independencia por parte del Presidente Hugo Chávez, ni son nuevos los consiguientes comunicados de prensa del partido anexionista condenándole con la paradójica noción de que “aquí mandamos los puertorriqueños”. Pero resulta todavía más paradójico que el gobernador Fortuño, a partir unas declaraciones hasta ahora fantasmas, le acuse por ello de intromisión cuando éste se dedicó a desprestigiar en varias ocasiones la figura del Presidente Chávez y del gobierno venezolano mientras ocupaba el cargo de Comisionado Residente en Wáshington (representante puertorriqueño ante la Cámara de Representantes de EE.UU., sin derecho a voto) durante el cuatrienio 2004 a 2008. Además de distinguirse por multiplicar significativamente su caudal durante su gestión; de ser el representante número cuatro con más ausencias en la Cámara según un estudio del no muy liberal Washington Post, y de despilfarrar una suma de 3.3 millones de dólares en calidad de sueldo para dieciséis “asesores legislativos”; Fortuño encontró tiempo para presentar cuatro resoluciones ante aquella Cámara donde parecía demostrar preocupación por los derechos humanos y libertad de prensa del pueblo venezolano, y censuraba el accionar de su gobierno en una amplia gama de asuntos: desde las relaciones con Cuba, la adopción del nombre “República Bolivariana de Venezuela” y la no-renovación de concesión a la golpista RCTV. Todas las medidas, en su mayoría presentadas conjuntamente con representantes de Florida, fueron rechazadas por esa Cámara.

Para lo que no halló tiempo, evidentemente, fue para elevar a nivel de la Cámara de Representantes, en nombre de los derechos humanos, la indignación que arropó a puertorriqueños de todos los espectros políticos con la vil ejecución de Filiberto Ojeda Ríos, Responsable General de la organización clandestina revolucionaria Ejército Popular Boricua (EPB-Macheteros) el 23 de septiembre de 2005, día en que el independentismo conmemoraba la primera proclamación de la República. Éste fue cocido a tiros en su casa por agentes estadounidenses del FBI (habiendo numerosas oficinas de campo de esa dependencia federal en nuestro país) mientras cipayos del patio les custodiaban el perímetro. Se le negó asistencia médica y fue dejado en el piso de su casa a desangrarse como un perro atropellado. Tampoco encontró, el señor Fortuño, tiempo para redactar una resolución, en honor a la libertad de prensa, exigiendo que se investigasen los sucesos acaecidos el 10 de febrero de 2006 donde agentes también estadounidenses del FBI allanaron los hogares de varios independentistas y, en uno de los lugares intervenidos, atacaron desvergonzadamente a periodistas que se habían personado a cubrir la noticia, empujándoles y rociándoles con gas pimienta por alegadamente violar un perímetro. Ante el estupor de la comunidad internacional y la preocupación de organismos como Amnistía Internaconal, entre otros, absolutamente nadie ha sido procesado ni investigado por éstos crímenes. Todos perpetrados por el gobierno federal contra el pueblo puertorriqueño mientras nuestro actual gobernador fungía como Comisionado Residente, con la presunta obligación de hacer valer nuestros intereses y reclamos ante Wáshington.

¿Con qué cara el señor Luis Fortuño se atreve a acusar de intervencionismo y de actitudes dictatoriales al Presidente Chávez? ¿Con qué criterio o lógica afirma que no le corresponde a “nadie fuera de Puerto Rico” decidir sobre nosotros?

Luis Fortuño subió al poder en enero de 2009 tras unas elecciones arrolladoras. Menos de un año después se ha visto obligado a multiplicar su escolta personal, a reducir al mínimo sus apariciones públicas y huír de varias más. Ha redoblado la vigilancia y ha colocado un perímetro permanente alrededor de la histórica residencia de los gobernadores, La Fortaleza, para protegerse del mismo pueblo que lo eligió.

Señor Luis Fortuño: ¿con qué moral te atreves a hablar en nombre de un pueblo contra el que te has tenido que armar?

Advertencia de Fortuño a Chávez

Populares critican gestión de Fortuño

‘Ojo federal’ a nexos de Chávez en la Isla

Parco el FBI sobre ‘conexión’ Venezuela

No permitirá intromisión de Venezuela en status local

Subdirector del FBI a la Superintendencia de la Policía

Comunicado de la Embajada de Venezuela en Washington


Periodistas de Puerto Rico critican a parlamentario que continúa atacando al gobierno de Venezuela

Congresista estadounidense defensora de terrorista Posada Carriles impulsa resolución contra Venezuela

Arrecia el enfrentamiento mediático entre Chávez y Fortuño

Se "juye" el gobernador

H. CON. RES. 224. 109th CONGRESS.
Calling on the Government of Venezuela to uphold the human rights and civil liberties of the people of Venezuela.

H. CON. RES. 328. 109th CONGRESS.
Condemning the anti-democratic actions of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and expressing the sense of Congress that the United States should strongly support the aspirations of the democratic forces in Venezuela.

H. CON. RES. 50. 110th CONGRESS.
Calling on the Government of Venezuela to uphold the human rights and civil liberties of the people of Venezuela.

H. CON. RES. 77. 110th CONGRESS.
Calling on the Government of Venezuela to respect a free and independent media and to avoid all acts of censorship against the media and free expression.


Jorge Ramos entrevista a Luis Fortuño

Entrevista a Kenneth McClintock el día del Paro Nacional, 15 de octubre

Redoblada la seguridad en La Fortaleza

Secuencia fotográfica sobre el Paro Nacional del 15 de octubre

Chávez reivindica la Independencia de Puerto Rico y la memoria de Filiberto Ojeda Ríos. 1 de 2.

Chávez reivindica la Independencia de Puerto Rico y la memoria de Filiberto Ojeda Ríos. 2 de 2.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Barack Obama brushes aside Lula Climate Proposals

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva isn't the only one not surprised about Barack Obama’s "Change" in United States policy. What more could we have expected from the United States? The people of Puerto Rican know all too well about the false promises made by the United States when it comes down to climant change. The people of Vieques would not have expected anything less. The people who live in Vieques continue to live in a land mine of exploded uranium shells and a radioactive waste land that has affected the coral reefs in the small island. Until this day the United States has not cleaned the mess it has made. Emerging reports are pointing out that many people living on the little island of Vieques have been diagnosed with cancer because of agents used by the United States military. The people of Puerto Rico already know about broken promises that are made by America's leadership when it comes down to climinate change policies. But could we have expected any less from a country that plunders the worlds resources? The people of Puerto Rico have something in common with President Lula de Silva and the people of Brazil. We salute our brothers in Latin America for standing on our side in saving humanity.

Lula Disappointed with U.S.-China Stance on Climate Change

ROME – Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva said on Monday that he will telephone U.S. counterpart Barack Obama and China’s Hu Jintao to discuss the fight against climate change after Washington and Beijing agreed they are not ready to set targets for emissions reduction.

“I’m disappointed, but not surprised” at the agreement reached in Singapore between Obama and Hu, but “the United States and China must sooner or later propose their targets also, although it won’t be at the Copenhagen Conference,” Lula told reporters after meeting in Rome with Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

The United States and China, the world’s biggest polluters, on Sunday dealt a blow to the climate conference that will begin Dec. 7 in Copenhagen after informing the Danish government that it will not be possible at that summit to achieve an accord that will set targets for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, the main factor in global warming.

Lula emphasized that he will go to Copenhagen regardless to defend Brazil’s climate proposals.

Last Saturday, Lula and French President Nicolas Sarkozy noted that the final objective of the Copenhagen summit is a worldwide reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by at least 50 percent by 2050 compared to their level in 1990.

Lula is in Rome to attend the World Summit of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization. EFE

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Calle 13 Spoke man for Latin America

In recent months Calle 13 also known as Rene has been representing Latin America like never before. He has spoken openly against United States seven military bases in Colombia and Puerto Rico governor Luis Fortuno massive layoffs. He has publicly supported Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and has publicly supported Latin America integration. The situation in Latin America has become more hostile with United States intentions in destabilizing the region. The people of Latin America are fully aware of the United States intentions in the region. Just across South America we can see the people in the Caribbean nation Puerto Rico who have risen like a phoenix straight out of the ashes. They have held a nationwide strike and are planning to hold another one. It is obvious that those in Congress are paying close attention to the Caribbean nation. The threat of uprising in Puerto Rico can lead to a massive uprising here in the United States. I have full faith in my people that they will be able to mobilize stronger and in full force against the Imperial United States.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Honduran coup regime

O can't stress it enough that Bill Van Auken has the deepest anaylizes of the situation in Honduras. This is a most read from the blog

Washington pushes through deal with Honduran coup regime
By Bill Van Auken
31 October 2009
Delegations representing ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya and the regime that replaced him through the coup of June 28 signed an agreement Friday following the intervention in Tegucigalpa of a high-level delegation from the US State Department.

There is no guarantee that the deal will restore Zelaya to office. If it does, it will be for no more than two months and only as a figurehead president in a government dominated by those who overthrew him.

The terms of the agreement serve to consolidate the central aims of the coup, while betraying the political and social demands of masses of Honduran working people who have resisted the coup and suffered violent state repression for more than four months.

The signing came less than one month before an election to choose Zelaya’s successor. The deal was struck two days after Thomas Shannon, the US assistant secretary of state for western hemisphere affairs and a holdover from the Bush administration, arrived in the Honduran capital together with Dan Restrepo, the Obama administration’s National Security Council advisor on Latin America.

Washington’s central aim is to legitimize the presidential election scheduled for November 29 to choose Zelaya’s successor. It sees this vote as a means of stabilizing the Honduran state and stemming the radicalization of the Honduran masses.

Nearly all of the terms of the so-called Tegucigalpa Accord signed Friday were contained in the San José Accord brokered by Costa Rican President Oscar Arias more than three months ago at Washington’s behest.

These include the formation of a government of “unity and national reconciliation” in which the dominant forces will be the politicians who backed the June coup and the military that executed it. Reportedly, the two sides and the major political parties will select the ministers of such a regime. It is by no means clear, however, what happens to the many other officials who were fired and replaced after the coup. The one institution that will remain untouched is the armed forces.

The deal also includes a renunciation by Zelaya of any effort to convene a national constituent assembly for the purposes of revising the Honduran constitution. The changing of this charter has been a key demand of the mass protests against the coup. The constitution was imposed upon the Honduran people in 1982 by the outgoing military dictatorship in consultation with the US embassy and was crafted to uphold the interests of the oligarchy that monopolizes the wealth of the country.

It was Zelaya’s attempt to hold a vote to determine whether there was popular support for such an assembly that triggered last June’s coup. The coup’s supporters charged that he was attempting to amend the constitution in order to overturn term limits and run again for president. This was patently false, as a vote to actually convene a constituent assembly would have been held concurrently with the election of Zelaya’s successor.

The accord calls for the formation of a verification commission and a truth commission. The first of these is to consist of two Hondurans and two foreigners, to be chosen by the Organization of American States, who will oversee compliance with the agreement. The truth panel will be delegated to investigate the coup and the events leading up to it and those following it. In virtually every country where such commissions have been formed, they have served as a substitute for holding accountable those who have carried out coups and state repression.

While providing a moratorium on criminal prosecutions of either Zelaya or the coup leaders, the final deal excludes an amnesty for political offenses. Initially it was reported that Zelaya opposed an amnesty provision, but it appears that the Honduran generals vetoed it as they still want to see the ousted president tried for “treason.”

Also under the accord, formal authority over the military is to be transferred to the country’s Supreme Electoral Tribunal in advance of the November presidential election. All parties are bound to support this election, together with the installation of a new government in January.

The final clause concerns the mechanism for returning Zelaya to office. Earlier this month, the two sides broke off negotiations after Zelaya’s delegation demanded that his return to the presidency be decided by the National Congress, while Micheletti’s team insisted that it be determined by the Supreme Court.

In last June’s coup, it was the high court that declared Zelaya’s actions a violation of the constitution, while it was the Congress that voted to replace him with Micheletti. The decision was implemented by the military, which dragged him out of the presidential palace in the middle of the night and forced him onto an airplane that flew him into exile.

The supposed success of the US-led mediation of the past few days was to engineer a compromise under which the Supreme Court would issue a recommendation regarding Zelaya’s status, while the Congress would cast the determining vote.

“Just minutes ago, I authorized the signing of the agreement that marks the beginning of the end of the political problem that has faced the country,” Micheletti announced late Thursday night after this issue was settled.

How soon the “end of the end” will come, however, is by no means clear.

First, the country’s Supreme Court must provide its recommendation to the Congress. Then, even if the legislature ultimately votes to put Zelaya back into the presidential palace, there is no guarantee that this will happen any time soon. The president of the Honduran National Congress, José Alfredo Saavedra, told the local radio station HRN Friday that no one could impose a deadline on the body’s discussion of the accord and the scheduling of a vote. Until then, he stressed, Micheletti would remain president.

For his part, the State Department’s Shannon said that the implementation of the agreement would be “complicated” and that the Congress would determine “when, how and if” Zelaya is reinstated as president.

Meanwhile, the Bloomberg news agency quoted a senior advisor to Micheletti, Marcia Facusse de Villeda, as saying in an interview: “Zelaya won’t be restored. But just by signing this agreement we already have the recognition of the international community for the elections.”

In a statement to Radio Globo, a station that was repeatedly shut down by security forces because of its opposition to the coup, Zelaya described the deal as a “symbol of peace for our country and of the restoration of our democracy.”

He called on the Honduran people to “stay calm,” adding, in an apparent appeal for respect for the coup leaders, that “we are not going to mock anyone, we will not use this to ridicule, but to get peace.” He also warned the population that the situation would not be resolved “overnight.”

The accord did nothing to change Zelaya’s immediate status. He remains in the Brazilian embassy, where he has been holed up for nearly six weeks. Honduran security forces continue to encircle the building.

Zelaya praised US officials for mediating the agreement. “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Shannon, Dan Restrepo and the [US] ambassador [Hugo] Llorens have played a fundamental and key role,” he said.

While he also expressed gratitude to Brazil, which gave him refuge in its Tegucigalpa embassy, and to Costa Rica’s Arias for negotiating the initial agreement, notably absent from this thank-you list was President Hugo Chávez. One of the justifications given for the coup was that Zelaya had grown too close to the Venezuelan president, a relationship cemented with cheap oil contracts.

In Caracas, Chávez said that he welcomed the US-brokered deal if it would “put Honduras back on the road to democracy.”

The signing of the accord in Tegucigalpa within days of the Obama administration dispatching senior officials to the Honduran capital raises the obvious question of why Washington did not conduct such an initiative months ago.

The Honduran political establishment and its military have been dominated by US imperialism for over a century. In the 1980s, the CIA and US embassy had free rein over Honduran territory, using it as its “aircraft carrier” for launching the contra war against Nicaragua and supplying the bloody counterinsurgency campaign in El Salvador. Today, the US accounts for more than half of Honduras’s foreign trade and two-thirds of its foreign direct investment. Clearly, serious pressure from Washington would produce the desired effect.

If the Obama administration did not intervene for four months, it was because it silently backed the aims of the coup regime, while publicly proclaiming its support for constitutional order and democracy. It pursued the same delaying tactics as the Micheletti regime, seeking to run out the clock on the Zelaya presidency.

It viewed the ouster of Zelaya as a means of countering the influence of Venezuela’s Chávez in the region and securing the interests of US corporations seeking cheap labor in Honduras. Given the close relation between the Honduran military and the Pentagon, which maintains its largest Latin American base in Honduras, it is difficult to believe that the coup itself was carried out without the foreknowledge and approval of Washington.

With barely two months remaining in Zelaya’s presidential term, the Obama administration sees an agreement that may bring Zelaya briefly back as a powerless figurehead as a small price to pay for legitimizing both the coup and the coming election.

Since the coup last June, military and police repression has led to at least 20 deaths. Hundreds have been wounded and thousands detained without charges. Broadcast outlets critical of the regime have been shut down by the military, while demonstrations are routinely broken up. Even as the US-mediated talks were ongoing Thursday, security forces dispersed over 1,000 demonstrators using tear gas and baton charges.

Conditions of life for the Honduran population, which is the poorest in the Americas after Haiti, have worsened dramatically. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Wednesday issued a report denouncing “grave violations” of the rights of Honduran children since last June’s coup, citing cases of children being killed, tortured, beaten and illegally detained.

UNICEF estimated that at least 1,600 infants and children under the age of five have died since the coup last June—13 a day—attributing the dramatic rise in the death rate to the near collapse of the public health system. The agency added that the 1.8 million children attending public schools have been effectively denied an education because of school closures.

The Obama administration has issued no protests against these attacks on the Honduran population and now hails their perpetrators as “heroes of democracy.” It accepted the use of repressive force as necessary to quell the movement of the country’s workers, students and peasants.

Given this record, the embrace of the reactionary US-brokered deal by Zelaya as well as Chávez represents the most damning exposure of the bankruptcy of bourgeois nationalism in Latin America, no matter what its “left” pretensions.

The Honduran events have demonstrated that working people in Honduras and across Latin America can defend their rights only by forging their political independence from all factions of the ruling elite and carrying out the struggle for workers’ governments and the socialist transformation of the entire hemisphere.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Mass Work Stoppage Set to Protest Puerto Rico's Layoffs, Union-Busting

Mass Work Stoppage Set to Protest Puerto Rico's Layoffs, Union-Busting
by EmeterioBetances
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Share this on Twitter - Mass Work Stoppage Set to Protest Puerto Rico's Layoffs, Union-Busting Thu Oct 15, 2009 at 07:52:34 AM PDT
More than 200,000 people are expected to march in a mass rally tomorrow in San Juan, Puerto Rico, as part of a one-day work stoppage to protest Gov.

As Foreclosures Hit All-Time High, Wall Street on Pace to Hand Out Record $140B in Employee Bonuses

Democracy Now covers the report on Puerto Rico mass protest.

More than 200,000 people are expected to march in a mass rally tomorrow in San Juan, Puerto Rico, as part of a one-day work stoppage to protest Gov.

As Foreclosures Hit All-Time High, Wall Street on Pace to Hand Out Record $140B in Employee Bonuses

Democracy Now covers the report on Puerto Rico mass protest.

URL:http://Label: Image
EmeterioBetances's diary :: :: NCPRR NYC CHAPTER SPONSORED EVENT

Thursday October 15, 2009


5:00 PM


Puerto Rican Federal Affairs Administration

135 W 50Th St.

New York City

The Puerto Rican Government has since January fired 25,000 public sector workers in the Island Nation. Their response to the fiscal crisis IS NOT an acceptable solution to an already severely under served people by their Government. In addition to the firings, the Government has announced that they will break all labor agreements with Unions ... Read Morerepresenting public sector workers. The impoverished Island Nation, a Colony of the United States since 1898 was already facing over 15% unemployment at the beggining of the year.

The response of the people of Puerto Rico to this crisis has been peacefull rallies and demonstrations. The Puerto Rican Government's response to to the people has been to ignore the the opposition to the administration policies.

On Thursday, October 15th Puerto Rico's social Justice movement and Organized Labor have called for a 1 Day General Strike. The NATIONAL CONGRESS for PUERTO RICAN RIGHTS, Labor Council Latin American Advancement LCLAA, The Network of Support for Puerto Rican Workers, The Puerto Rican Community and supporters of Social Justice will rally in support of the people of Puerto Rico in N.Y.C.


ACLU reported on the current situation in Puerto Rico following the protest that may lead to massive unrest. The story describes the use of civil disobedience proclaimed as an act of terrorism by Gov. Fortuno. No link is available.

ACLU rips officials for citing 'terrorism' in general strike - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - 08/10/09

Front Page Photo - Puerto Rico Daily Sun by Humberto Trias: More than 1,000 activists participated in a march organized by the Popular Democratic Party in Old San Jaun on Wednesday to protest the Fortuño administration's public policy of reducing the size of the government through layoffs. The protesters, headed by 20 government employees who received their dismissal letters, walked from Plaza Colón to La Fortaleza carrying signs saying "Give me back my job" and "We want to work."

Front Page Headline: Mitigation plan ready - Daco, retail associations say there will be food, gas during strike

BY EVA LLORENS VELEZ - DaiIy Sun staff -

The Fortuño administration is trying to scare public workers into not participating in the Oct. 15 general strike with its threats that protesters will be charged with engaging in acts of terrorism if they prevent the flow of goods and passengers at airports and seaports, American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director William Ramírez said Wednesday.

According to Ramírez, such actions do not qualify as "terrorism."

"Calling individuals who are exercising their right to protest terrorists is dangerous in a democracy, and I am very worried about the turn of events. These are public servants," Ramírez said. "[Officials) are sowing fear because no one wants to be labeled a terrorist."

Earlier this week, Justice Secretary Antonio Sagardía and Police Superintendent José Figueroa Sancha warned organizers of the Oct. 15 general work stoppage that they could be charged with engaging in terrorism if they block access to ports or the airport, because they would be interfering with interstate commerce. In a radio interview Wednesday, Gov. Fortuño also described such actions as terrorism.

Live Radio Broadcaste on the current events in Puerto Rico protest.
Download player.

Thanks To Lrios for the Videos:'s diary :: ::

The video below explains a bit of what is happening today in Puerto Rico, the head of government belongs to the only pro-US Statehood party of the island, the Partido Nuevo Progresista (New Progressive Party) which is not progressive, do not be mistaken by the name, but a latin american conservative right wing party (like Uribe's party in Colombia or today´s PRI in Mexico) that wishes to annexate Puerto Rico as a US state.
Fortuño, who is a US-republican sympathizer calls himself a 'republican' even though there is no republican party registered in Puerto Rico's general elections; many now see him as the 'Michelleti of the caribbean' (Michelleti is Hondura's post-coup president) for being a ruthless egomaniac who despises the latin american left and labor unions. Fortuño's government has already tear-gassed students and threatened to arrest demonstrators.
Fortuño won the elections after former head of government, Anibal Acevedo (which last year went to the United Nations to denounce the unresolved issue of Puerto Rico's status and self determination and also to support a sovereign option for the island-nation) signed a 7% sales tax which enraged many people, Puerto Rico's first ever sales tax.
One of the labor unions, among many others, who are joining today the national strike, the international SEIU created this video.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Latin American Revolutionary Vanguard

Listen I think that the United Nations constitution would allow us to criticize the United States and for that matter arm ourselves against any occupying force in Puerto Rico. The United States continues to occupy Puerto Rico by force, subversion and asymmetric warfare. Our Demands are simple, we want Puerto Rico to be allowed to trade with all Latin American countries, we want to elect our own President to represent the Puerto Rican people, we demand that democracy be allowed to flourish. Millions of Puerto Rican's are left without a chance to vote. To my fellow Puerto Rican Patriots, understand that our plight and my concern about U.S. intervention in Puerto Rico and the region will demand that we all alert our reactionary forces. We understand what the United States policy is, when it comes down to Puerto Rico’s economy and development. We see the stagnation in our economy and demand that all oppressive and colonial rule by the United States government end. We are demanding real change; we want Puerto Rico to write its own geopolitical policies and destiny. We want Puerto Rico to make its own policies in all areas including political, geopolitical and economical. The U.S. gives us millions of dollars but in return Puerto Rico has given America a bigger sacrifice. Millions of young Puerto Rican soldiers continue to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan in order to protect the American people. Puerto Rico is not under attack, America is under attack! In return for our lives what have we received? The majority of Puerto Rican's are more impoverished than those living on the mainland United States. We have been occupied for over 600 years and our level of poverty in Puerto Rico is not even considered equal to the level of poverty on the mainland. So why should we become part of a nation that has not even improved our standard of living? The fact is that we will never improve our standard of living as long as Puerto Rico continues to be under foreign military occupation by United States military forces. Imagine if Puerto Rico was able to trade and build technology, import cheap oil and other resources from other countries. Improving its agricultural sectors to improve internal consumption and external output? Increase solar power, educational reform and medical reform like other nations in Europe or Latin America. But the United States prevents this from actually happening. The United States continues to dictate to the Puerto Rican people what its internal and external political or economical policies should be. In all of these sectors our nation continues to be occupied by the United States and the matter should be in every discussion, either on the international level or the domestic level. The Latin American reactionary forces cannot continue to sit idly by and continue to be paper tigers in the 21 century. We most protect our homelands in order to accomplish the vision of a unified Latin America. Hasta La Victoria Siempre!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Brigadner General Antonio Valero de Bernabe The Puerto Rican Liberator

This is a great article written by two Dons who have written about a history that has never been taught to the Puerto Rican population in the United States.
Brigadier General Antonio Valero de Bernabé, Emeterio Betances, Pedro Albizu Campos, Filiberto Ojeda Rios will never be forgotten. There sacrifice has made our people struggle and our real history will be revealed. America and those who impose an undemocratic theocratic system in Puerto Rico will never bend the will of Puerto Rico. Never. This article reflects a historic figure, a grand Liberator of Latin America.

By: Jorge Gerardo Muñiz Ortiz and Daniel Prieto

Brigadier General Antonio Valero de Bernabé was born in the city of Fajardo in the Eastern part of the island of Puerto Rico on October 26, 1790. He is also known as the Liberator from Puerto Rico because he joined Don Simón Bolívar in his struggles to gain independence of Latin American countries from Spanish rule.

Spain to study military science and graduated in 1807 as a junior officer. He served in the Spanish Army and helped defeat Napoleon’s army at the Siege of Zaragoza in 1808, which granted him a promotion to the rank of colonel. Valero’s view towards the monarchy in Spain was so disdainful, due to the King’s policies towards the colonies in Latin America that he resigned from his commission with the army and fled to Mexico. In Mexico, Valero joined the Mexican Revolutionary Army and was named Chief of Staff and successfully helped in achieving Mexico’s independence from Spain. This led to the proclamation of Agustin de Iturbide, Valero’s leader during the resurrection, as the Emperor of Mexico. However, due to the fact that Valero despised the idea of monarchies, he

fled Mexico after revolting against Iturbide. Valero was captured and sent to a prison in Cuba, where he escaped with the help of a group of men who believed in Don Simón Bolívar’s pursuit of Latin American independence and Pan Americanism.
Brigadier General Antonio Valero de Bernabé learned of Don Simón Bolívar’s struggle for independence and unification of Latin America and decided to join him in his battles. Valero traveled to the small island of Saint Thomas in the Caribbean, where, it has been historically documented, many Puerto Ricans had established a base for their fight for the island’s independence from Spain (it has been documented that independence proponents Ramón Emeterio Betances and Eugenio María de Hostos would later be exiled to St. Thomas. They also believed in the unification of antillian nations into a confederacy). Valero travelled to Venezuela where he met General Francisco de Paula Santander (4th President of the Republic of the New Granada and 2nd Vice-President of the Republic of Colombia). After gaining Don Simón Bolívar’s confidence Valero would be appointed various positions including Military Chief of the Department of Panama, Governor of Puerto Cabello, Chief of Staff of Colombia, Minister of War and Maritime of Venezuela. Valero’s dream, which was not realized, was to liberate Puerto Rico from

Spain and become part of the United Provinces of New Granada as a separate state called Boriquén.
Valero served as honor guard during Don Simón Bolívar’s funeral and in 1853 was honored by Venezuela with “The Bust of the Liberator of Venezuela”. Valero would also be awarded with “The Medal of the Liberators of Mexico”, “The Bust of the Liberator of Peru”, and the “Medal del Callao”. Valero died in the capital city Bogotá, Colombia on June 7, 1863 and was buried there.
A quote from Don Simón Bolívar about Brigadier General Antonio Valero de Bernabé:
“Al llegar a Lima a principios de 1825, se presenta al Libertador. Bolívar ese mismo día le escribe a Santander: ‘Hoy ha llegado el General Valero con su hermoso batallón. No he hecho más que verlo, pero me parece un excelente oficial, por

lo que he oído de él y por su fisonomía. Le he dado el mando de la división que sitia al Callao a las órdenes del General Sálom’. Valero, siempre con el deseo de liberar a Cuba y Puerto Rico le presenta el plan a Bolívar. Este le responde las mismas razones que Santander le ofreció, pero le comenta que tiene el deseo de la liberación de las islas antillanas. Sabemos que Antonio Valero era un hombre apuesto, gentil con el sexo opuesto, fuerte de carácter y excelente ventrílocuo. Este don en que en una época era considerado como sobrenatural,

lo utilizaba con humor. Cuentan sus amigos que en el campo de batalla era ‘un león desencadenado’”.
English Translation: “At the time of his arrival at the beginning of 1825, [Valero] presents himself to the Liberator. That same day, Bolívar writes Santander: ‘Today General Valero has arrived with his beautiful battalion. I’ve seen him, and appears to be an excellent official, based on what I’ve heard about him and by his features. I have given him command of the divison based in Callao under the orders of General Sálom’. Valero, always with the wishes of liberating Cuba and Puerto Rico presents his plan to Bolívar. Bolívar responds with the same reasons that Santander gave him, but tells him about his wishes for the libration of the Antillean islands. We know that Antonio Valereo was a handsome man, gentile with the opposite sex, strong of character and excellent ventriloquist. This talent, which during my time was considered supernatural, he used is with humor. His friends say that on the battlefield Valero was an ‘unchained lion’”.

1. Retrieved from the World Wide Web on June 25, 2009:

El Che Speech on Don Pedro Albizu Campos

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Barack Obama The Sell Out?

Barack Obama has been in the white house and has been applying the same old Bush policies. He has been consecutive in giving the green light in drone bombings. That has been murdering innocent women and children. He continues Bush doctrine in all parts of the world. He has sent in troops to Afghanistan and plans to add more troops. He has continues to keep a small amount of troops in Iraq. He continues to expand his war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He has even planned for a civilian-military prison.

Barack Obama has been in the White House and has been applying the same old Bush policies. He has been consecutive in giving the green light in drone bombings. That has been murdering innocent women and children. He continues Bush doctrine in all parts of the world. He has sent in troops to Afghanistan and plans to add more troops. He has continues to keep a small amount of troops in Iraq. He continues to expand his war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He has even planned for a civilian-military prison.

Barack Obama wants to hold people in prison for ever without any legal defense or proper judicial representatives. Not only has he kept in line with Bush policies. He hasn't done one good thing for the middle class Americans. Wall Street pays out huge bonuses with our money (TARP). He then stops congress from actually implementing strong regulations against the business elites. Barack Obama military budget has not decreased in order to reduce the deficient. It has actually increase in so called "Democracy Building projects" and other programs. Barack Obama is nothing but a two face con artist. During his campaign he made promises of changing the way Washington does business. But during his time as the president elect he has actually done the opposite. He has re-paid Wall Street for their contributions during his campaign. And also continues to go out of his way to be bi-partisan. I can only give Barack Obama a little credit on this issue since Bush on the other hand was never bi-partisan in fact he even threaten congress. But Barack Obama doesn't stray too far from the same Bush policies. He has failed to investigate the Bush Administration for war crimes. He continues to supply Israel with billions of our tax payer money. Even when Israel continues to ignore Washington’s plea to end settlement building in the West Bank. But on top of this entire masterpiece but is stabbing each and every one of us who voted for change. People continue to follow his rhetoric and blindly assume he is really reaching out.

Listen I am tired of this argument between Democrats and Republicans. Barack Obama policies have been something in which McCain can agree with. Now how insane is that a man who has some sort of hulk syndrome. In which he just snaps like one of those commercials for Slim Jims. If John McCain can get along with Barack Obama than we are looking at a two party system that is out of date in the 21 century.

Sell Out Obama, I wonder how much Wall Street paid for him?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Daddy Yankee Quedate Callao-Siete Nueve (New)

The following Youtube video is a song written about the situation in Latin America and Puerto Rico. Siete Nueve takes a shot at Daddy "Yankee" for promoting John McCain. In his song Siete Nueve dedicates the song to Don Pedro Albizu Campos who was a Puerto Rican Nationalist. Don Pedro Albizu Campos graduated from Harvard Law School and knew various languages. He was considered by the famous Che Guevara as a strong willed man who fought for Puerto Rico independence and who never surrendered against the Imperialist Colossal United States. In the song Siete Nueve tells Daddy "Yankee" to shut up and also tells him not to represent the majority of Puerto Ricans. He also tells Daddy "Yankee"to learn his history and that of all of Latin America. In one particular lyric he also takes a jab at the popular song of Gasolina that Daddy "Yankee" makes and describes the on going Imperial conquest the U.S. attempts all over the world. He takes another jab at what John McCain stands for and what Daddy "Yankee" was standing for when he associated the Puerto Rican masses.

Siete Nueve gets 5 Stars for dropping this exclusive and educational song.
Hasta La Victoria Siempre! Viva Puerto Rico Libre de Colonia, Y que Viva Latino America! Que Viva Peru, Chile, Honduras, y todo Sur Americaa! Que Viva EmeterioBetances, Don Pedro Albizu Campos! Te lo prometo que Puerto Rico vas a ser libre!

"Esta es la cancion que el MC Siete Nueve le dedica a Daddy Yankee luego de este apoyar la campaña politica de John Mccain. Esta version tiene visuales que presentan a daddy yankee endosando al Senador Mccain entre otras cosas. Espero les guste el video que hice acerca de la situacion. "

Friday, May 29, 2009

Why Obama can't be soft on North Korea

Below is the "The Christian Science Monitor" anaylis about Barack Obama stance against North Korea. The reason I find this particular article interesting is that its written within a context of religion. In recent news reports about Donald Rumsfeld use of biblic text sent to President Bush oval office describes what I consider the fog war. While news reports have indicated the use of biblical text in Iraq and other religious fanatic soldiers promoting conversion. One tends to wonder how far the Imperial United States is willing to go in converting the Middle East. The United States has been on going with the religious propaganda. In every home and house hold they are waging two physcos wars on every American. One is from the constant bombardment on television shows that deal with commercial consumerism. The other deals with the Christian religious propaganda that is on a 24 hour a day brain washing. But let me get back to the actual article. The article promotes a stronger stance from the Barack Obama against North Korea. That would be that America Empire is at war with the world. The "religious" website is promoting the bombing of North Korea with a nuclear bomb! If his isn't bad enough already the American Empire would also like to overthrow Iran Islamic Revolutionary Vanguard. The nature of this economic system will stop at nothing to ensure its hegemony in the world. I urge the people of the world to stop the American Empire. End all foreign and military occupation in the world. End the support for Saudi Arabia undemocratic system. End the support the United Arab Emerit undemocratic system. It's time that the world unite and end the SuperHyper power. -Don Famoso

Why Obama can't be soft on North Korea
Japan and South Korea already see him as eroding the US military posture in Asia.
By the Monitor's Editorial Board
from the May 28, 2009 edition

It would be hard to imagine President Obama ever standing only a few feet from the North Korean border and warning its leaders that if they ever used nuclear weapons, "it would be the end of their country."
Mr. Obama is not the threatening kind. He prefers "soft" power to win over his adversaries. In fact, after North Korea's May 25 test of a bomb close in size to the one dropped on Hiroshima, he said the US would merely "work with our friends and allies to stand up to this behavior."
What a contrast to the last Democratic president.
It was President Clinton who actually spoke those threatening "hard power" words – within earshot of North Korean soldiers – in 1993. At the time, Pyongyang was revving up its nuclear-bomb program.
Mr. Clinton knew something back then that Obama is learning on the job: Tough talk against an enemy is sometimes needed simply to reassure America's allies that the US will live up to its defense promises. Those commitments include its unique role to provide nuclear deterrence, or promised retaliation, if an ally is attacked.
By his actions and his words, Obama is sending worrisome signals to Japan and South Korea that they might be left alone in a confrontation with North Korea or even perhaps China.
It's an impression he needs to correct quickly with credible reassurance.
Beyond Obama's lackluster response so far to North Korea's first successful atomic blast, Japan and South Korea worry that the president's focus on his big domestic agenda will erode the US military posture in Asia and the will of Americans to defend allies.
They see Obama's pullout of troops from Iraq and the calls by some in the Democratic Party to set a timetable for a US retreat from Afghanistan.
They worry that his proposed cuts in ballistic-missile defense would leave Asian allies vulnerable while his cuts in F-22 fighter jets would harm Japan's ability to build a similar plane to defend itself against China.
They watch as Obama cuts the US Navy's plans to build more ships to counter China's growing submarine fleet.
They worry about US willingness to defend Taiwan – as Bill Clinton did in 1996 – against a hostile confrontation with China. That worry stems from Beijing's recent success in luring Taipei's leaders toward closer ties with the mainland, thus weakening US support for Taiwan's sovereignty and its military strength.
Tokyo also notices that Obama has appointed a Democratic Party fund-raiser as US ambassador to Japan and not a professional diplomat with Japanese experience. And both Seoul and Tokyo are worried about signals that Obama will hold direct talks with North Korea without including them.
All these moves help explain recent steps in Japan and South Korea to prepare for an Obama era of American retrenchment.
Many legislators in Seoul now want to delay the planned 2012 hand-over of the wartime operational control of South Korean troops from the US. With North Korea soon able to place a nuclear weapon on a missile, they prefer the US keep its hand on a military response. South Korea also decided this week to join the US-led global effort to interrupt air or sea deliveries by North Korea of unconventional weapons or missile parts.
In Japan, officials are so worried about the reliability of the US nuclear umbrella that the ruling Liberal Democratic Party is debating whether to develop a capability to strike North Korea – "in order not to sit and wait for death," as an LDP committee stated this week.
Some LDP officials even want Japan to openly consider acquiring its own nuclear-weapons capability. They cite polls showing a drop in trust of the US by the Japanese public, caused in part by its weak stance toward North Korea.
Coincidentally, a US Council on Foreign Relations report released Tuesday warned Obama that if he doesn't reaffirm the US nuclear deterrence, "some US allies may decide in the future to acquire nuclear weapons."
Obama must not let North Korea's nuclear weapons ignite an arms race in Asia. The world must not again witness the kind of military rivalry between Japan and China that led to World War II.
In both words and deeds, the president must reaffirm a strong, long-term US military commitment to its many allies in the region.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Venezuela Targets Cable Station

Hugo Chavez has recently taken another measure against private ownership. This time he has been able to place certain regulations on the media outlets that are privately owned. In 2002 the CIA attempted to fund right wing opposition groups in Venezuela. In a failed attempt and with the media full support against Hugo Chavez regime. Hugo Chavez has decided to settle the score by re-empowering the people. He will continue to make private property a tool for the public and in support of the Bolivarian Revolution. I posted this news article in order to explain to issues with the U.S. media propaganda machine and the alternative news media we have her on the internate. Throughout my whole childhood up bringing I never experienced a media outlet that represented my country Puerto Rico in the United States. Like Unionvision, Fox News, and La Prensa in Puerto Rico are used as tools to undermine Democracy, Freedom and Justice for all of the third world countries. These Media outlets are tools that support Imperialism, Inhuman conditions, and are even counter-revolutionary. Their main objective is to destablize the socialist governments and replace them with regimes that are undemocratic in nature. They tend to impose the will of a few Rich people instead of the population as a whole. Our mission is to distrupt, intercept, and destroy our enemies media capabilities. The Puerto Rican people are under the same media propaganda attacks. Our mission should be simple and to the point. Restrict funding for these terrorist outlets. Terrorist sympathizers should also be under surviellance. We encourage the people of the world to help liberate Puerto Rico from the grips of Imperialism. To end the military occupation of Puerto Rico and to reduce the media outlets in Puerto Rico. To re-establish an alternative source of News Media that can help further the objectives for a Unified Latin America. -Don Famo$o

Venezuela Targets Cable Station
Globovisión Complaint Is Part of a Larger Offensive, Critics Say

President Hugo Chávez has declared that "no land is private," stirring fears of more state seizure of farms. (Miraflores Press Office Via Associated Press)

By Juan ForeroWashington Post Foreign Service Friday, May 15, 2009
BOGOTA, Colombia -- The government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has taken actions that could shutter a private television news station, part of an offensive that has led to the seizure of foreign oil firms and a congressional effort to control the financing of nongovernmental organizations critical of the state.
Authorities have accused Globovisión, an anti-government cable station, of inciting panic through its coverage of a May 4 earthquake before authorities released an official report. Then Monday, the government announced that 39 foreign and domestic companies that provide services to the state-run oil company had been brought under government control.
Chávez also declared Sunday that "no land is private" in Venezuela, stirring fears of more state seizures of farms. Several top opposition leaders, meanwhile, are under investigation for corruption, and the federal government has stripped one of Chávez's most intractable foes, the mayor of greater Caracas, Antonio Ledezma, of the authority to control the city budget.
The government's latest measures, coming three months after Chávez won a referendum that permits him to run for office indefinitely, have increased tensions in the oil-rich country. Opposition groups have vowed to organize protests, and press-freedom organizations have cautioned that free expression may be in jeopardy.
"This is a new effort by the government to control the flow of information and to restrict the critical coverage of news," said Carlos Lauría, Americas program director for the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. The result "of the permanent threats by the government . . . is a very damaging situation for Venezuelan society."
Venezuela has not closed any media outlets during Chávez's decade in power. But in May 2007, Chávez refused to renew the broadcast license of a stridently anti-government station, RCTV, accusing it of plotting against him. Harangues and threats against journalists are common, press-freedom groups say, and the state has made the creation of a parallel, pro-government media apparatus a priority.
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Globovisión is particularly reviled by Chávez and his aides for giving voice to politicians and military officers who participated in a failed coup in 2002. But most recently, it was the station's quake coverage that angered Chávez.
"They are playing with fire, manipulating, inciting hatred," Chávez said Sunday on his television show.
He called Globovisión's director, Alberto Federico Ravell, a "crazy man" and said, "This has to end, or I will stop calling myself Hugo Chávez Frías."
On Monday, Foreign Minister Nicolás Maduro said Globovisión was guilty of "media terrorism." Another official close to Chávez, Andrés Izarra, director of a state television channel, called Globovisión coverage part of a "ferocious campaign" against the government.
Authorities have not explained how the station's reporting on the quake, which caused little damage, panicked and divided the public.
Chávez has referred the case to the Venezuelan National Telecommunications Commission, which has begun administrative proceedings against Globovisión and special inspections of private television stations. The National Assembly has also been investigating Ravell, as well as other media executives, for participating in an alleged plot to assassinate Chávez.
"It doesn't seem to me that closure is imminent," Lauría said, referring to Globovisión. "But what's clear is the government is preparing the terrain so that can happen."
Ravell said Globovisión offered a factual report, citing the U.S. Geological Survey. Globovisión also questioned why authorities had not released information about the quake.
"We went on the air with the news, as would any news channel, without calling for class warfare, without scaring children," Ravell said by phone from Caracas.
In a recent report, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, an arm of the Organization of American States, expressed concern about "acts of intimidation" against government foes, including statements by Chávez "that could have instigated the use of violence." The organization's Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression also noted attacks by a pro-Chávez group against Globovisión and said administrative actions taken by the government against reporters have been based on a "highly discretionary" application of the law.
The National Assembly is preparing a bill that would require that all foreign donations to NGOs be deposited in a government fund before disbursement. Government officials said that would permit the state to better control groups aiming to undermine Chávez; critics say the state simply wants to put the NGOs out of business.