Friday, October 16, 2009
Mass Work Stoppage Set to Protest Puerto Rico's Layoffs, Union-Busting
Mass Work Stoppage Set to Protest Puerto Rico's Layoffs, Union-Busting
by EmeterioBetances
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Share this on Twitter - Mass Work Stoppage Set to Protest Puerto Rico's Layoffs, Union-Busting Thu Oct 15, 2009 at 07:52:34 AM PDT
More than 200,000 people are expected to march in a mass rally tomorrow in San Juan, Puerto Rico, as part of a one-day work stoppage to protest Gov.
As Foreclosures Hit All-Time High, Wall Street on Pace to Hand Out Record $140B in Employee Bonuses
Democracy Now covers the report on Puerto Rico mass protest.
More than 200,000 people are expected to march in a mass rally tomorrow in San Juan, Puerto Rico, as part of a one-day work stoppage to protest Gov.
As Foreclosures Hit All-Time High, Wall Street on Pace to Hand Out Record $140B in Employee Bonuses
Democracy Now covers the report on Puerto Rico mass protest.
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EmeterioBetances's diary :: :: NCPRR NYC CHAPTER SPONSORED EVENT
Thursday October 15, 2009
5:00 PM
Puerto Rican Federal Affairs Administration
135 W 50Th St.
New York City
The Puerto Rican Government has since January fired 25,000 public sector workers in the Island Nation. Their response to the fiscal crisis IS NOT an acceptable solution to an already severely under served people by their Government. In addition to the firings, the Government has announced that they will break all labor agreements with Unions ... Read Morerepresenting public sector workers. The impoverished Island Nation, a Colony of the United States since 1898 was already facing over 15% unemployment at the beggining of the year.
The response of the people of Puerto Rico to this crisis has been peacefull rallies and demonstrations. The Puerto Rican Government's response to to the people has been to ignore the the opposition to the administration policies.
On Thursday, October 15th Puerto Rico's social Justice movement and Organized Labor have called for a 1 Day General Strike. The NATIONAL CONGRESS for PUERTO RICAN RIGHTS, Labor Council Latin American Advancement LCLAA, The Network of Support for Puerto Rican Workers, The Puerto Rican Community and supporters of Social Justice will rally in support of the people of Puerto Rico in N.Y.C.
ACLU reported on the current situation in Puerto Rico following the protest that may lead to massive unrest. The story describes the use of civil disobedience proclaimed as an act of terrorism by Gov. Fortuno. No link is available.
ACLU rips officials for citing 'terrorism' in general strike - Puerto Rico Daily Sun - 08/10/09
Front Page Photo - Puerto Rico Daily Sun by Humberto Trias: More than 1,000 activists participated in a march organized by the Popular Democratic Party in Old San Jaun on Wednesday to protest the Fortuño administration's public policy of reducing the size of the government through layoffs. The protesters, headed by 20 government employees who received their dismissal letters, walked from Plaza Colón to La Fortaleza carrying signs saying "Give me back my job" and "We want to work."
Front Page Headline: Mitigation plan ready - Daco, retail associations say there will be food, gas during strike
BY EVA LLORENS VELEZ - DaiIy Sun staff -
The Fortuño administration is trying to scare public workers into not participating in the Oct. 15 general strike with its threats that protesters will be charged with engaging in acts of terrorism if they prevent the flow of goods and passengers at airports and seaports, American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director William Ramírez said Wednesday.
According to Ramírez, such actions do not qualify as "terrorism."
"Calling individuals who are exercising their right to protest terrorists is dangerous in a democracy, and I am very worried about the turn of events. These are public servants," Ramírez said. "[Officials) are sowing fear because no one wants to be labeled a terrorist."
Earlier this week, Justice Secretary Antonio Sagardía and Police Superintendent José Figueroa Sancha warned organizers of the Oct. 15 general work stoppage that they could be charged with engaging in terrorism if they block access to ports or the airport, because they would be interfering with interstate commerce. In a radio interview Wednesday, Gov. Fortuño also described such actions as terrorism.
Live Radio Broadcaste on the current events in Puerto Rico protest.
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Thanks To Lrios for the Videos:'s diary :: ::
The video below explains a bit of what is happening today in Puerto Rico, the head of government belongs to the only pro-US Statehood party of the island, the Partido Nuevo Progresista (New Progressive Party) which is not progressive, do not be mistaken by the name, but a latin american conservative right wing party (like Uribe's party in Colombia or today´s PRI in Mexico) that wishes to annexate Puerto Rico as a US state.
Fortuño, who is a US-republican sympathizer calls himself a 'republican' even though there is no republican party registered in Puerto Rico's general elections; many now see him as the 'Michelleti of the caribbean' (Michelleti is Hondura's post-coup president) for being a ruthless egomaniac who despises the latin american left and labor unions. Fortuño's government has already tear-gassed students and threatened to arrest demonstrators.
Fortuño won the elections after former head of government, Anibal Acevedo (which last year went to the United Nations to denounce the unresolved issue of Puerto Rico's status and self determination and also to support a sovereign option for the island-nation) signed a 7% sales tax which enraged many people, Puerto Rico's first ever sales tax.
One of the labor unions, among many others, who are joining today the national strike, the international SEIU created this video.
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