Lets not forget that our military targeted Al-Jazeera. In Iraq we had another way in controlling the media. Promoting other media sources that differ from Al-Jazeera perspective. Nothing about that references to us a moral high ground for you. And by the way if the News Channel breaks the law by not sending an government message. They are to be closed down that is no different than any American media source. There is no freedom of the press in the United States. CNN/Fox News are these your freedom of the press sources? Please lady neither of these two main stream news sources are media. They are both political propaganda in support of our corporate one party system. You can't tell me that I am wrong in point this out hun. In fact President Barack Obama administration took on Fox News. Members of Barack Obama administration considered Fox News as the arm of the Repubican party. They described it as a political tool for the republican party. So do we really have have real news or real freedom of the news? You need to dig a little deeper before you hit replie. There is nothing humane in keeping thousands of troops across the globe. There is nothing humane about keeping troops in Puerto Rico, Japan, Germany, Honduras, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan. Luckily for Lebanon they were able to repell the invadors that's when our former president Reagan pulled out the troops in that country. There is nothing humane at the extent in which we spend billions of dollars on the military industry. While millions starve we create machines of destruction and death. How many people just civilians have died in Iraq? You can't talk to me about human rights when you stopped counting the bodies of the dead in that country and others. That is savage and backward and there has been nothing more savage than the genocide of millions of muslims, including kids and women. To me human rights are a god given right, who are we to incarcerate and hold people indefentely at Guantanamo Bay (Cuba) prison? Without being able to speak to a lawyer or family members? These people are not animals but our empire treats human kind as such. HARRP is a weapon in which our military has been working on. We are not exporting terror to other countries nor are we invading other countries. In Puerto Rico our American planes flew and a heavy missile landed on Puerto Rico buildings. Utuado was the name of the little pueblo. Here your bombs sprung terror across my lands. Just as the Spaniards who came and slaughtered millions of Tainos. Today the technology of exporting terror is different but the cruel and savage methods are still the same. You can't talk to me about morality your bombings in Vieques polluted and destroyed life on the small island. You savaged the coral reefs which breed new life into our waters. Our people to this stay have a high cancer rate and your ammunition still lay cemented within the soil. You can still sense the victim (young security guards body)which died from your artillery shell. There is nothing morally right about war or those who choose to advocate for it. Title me with what you like discredite me as much as you would like. But you can't descredite the will for human kind to want to survive. It is this small will that can never be conquered.
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